
Impressive benefits of Laparoscopic Gall Bladder Surgery in Bangalore

Are you dealing with pains in the upper side of your abdomen for a long time? Your doctor might say you may have a gallbladder issue. The laparoscopic gall bladder surgery is a minimally invasive process that makes use of small incisions in the abdomen. A small camera called a laparoscope is inserted in one of these incisions, which helps doctors and surgeons get a clear picture of the gallbladder and associated areas and organs. The following explains the manifold benefits of choosing Laparoscopic Gall Bladder Surgery in Bangalore .  The process help in eliminating gallstones Gallstones can cause excessive pain and this also results in pancreatitis. This surgery helps in getting rid of gallstones. While undertaking Laparoscopic Gall Bladder Surgery in Sarjapur Road, the surgeons usually remove the gallstones. During the entire process, the doctors make use of special tools and instructions break them and suction them out of the gallbladder areas.  The process involves a lower risk of

Best Bariatric Surgery in Bangalore | Weight Loss Surgery

  Laparoscopic Bariatric surgery in Bangalore is a very effective treatment for obesity. The number of bariatric surgeries performed in Bangalore has risen steadily over the years.   The most common Bariatric Surgery procedures are:   Gastric Sleeve Surgery - In this procedure, your stomach is removed and replaced with a sleeve. This makes you feel full after eating smaller portions of food, so that you lose weight faster than with other methods.   Laparoscopic Gastric Banding (Lap Band) - This procedure involves changing the size of your stomach by inserting a silicone band around it. You may feel full with small portions of food and may even be able to eat once or twice a day. This can help reduce food intake by up to 80%.   Vertical Gastric Sleeve (VGS) - In this procedure, the sleeve is placed vertically along the top part of your stomach, so that it covers more than half of it. This makes you feel full after eating smaller portions of food, so that you lose weight